I’ve commented on the minimum wage several times before, but since the dimmocrats re-took Congress, they’re at it again.
You hear them saying things about the present minimum wage not being a “living wage”. Here’s a news flash: IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE A LIVING WAGE!
Who on God’s green earth thinks that you should be able to walk in off the street into a business and immediately be paid a “living wage”? I’ll help you out here: only the seriously deluded and ignorant, or a politician bent on insuring his re-election..
If you’ve been in the workforce for any period of time and you’re still making minimum wage, you’re doing things very wrong. You’ve made some choices that keep you there.
Maybe you just don’t want the responsibility. Maybe you won’t submit to a regular schedule. Maybe you don’t want to learn how to do things right. Maybe you change jobs too often. Maybe you don’t follow rules. Maybe you show up to work under influence of alcohol or undocumented pharmaceuticals. There’s GOT to be a reason.
Yes, some of these reasons are honorable, like wanting to have a chopped-up schedule to allow a parent to spend time with kid-related functions, or an employee is just getting into a particular field of work.
But most of them work out to one thing: After a short period of time at minimum wage, somebody in the picture is a loser making bad decisions and not wanting to suffer the consequences.
I’m sitting down here in southwest Louisiana and our Sunday paper runs four full-sized pages of jobs, ranging from CEO to laborer. On the Guld Coast, if you’re not working, you don’t want to work. And yes, we do have a lot who don’t want to work. And even laborers don’t start out at the Federal minimum wage in most of those jobs.
Oh, you say, “In my are we don’t have a lot of jobs and they pay only minimum wage.” Well, bunkie, just sit there in sub-Saharan Africa and watch the approaching sand dunes and bitch about it. History is rife with great migrations. If you’ve aspirations and ambitions, move to where the jobs ARE.
Or educate yourself. Long-term minimum wage jobs are full of high-school dropouts, and just about any community in the country has GED programs. Most colleges have night courses on things like computer skills and common software. Many communities have trade schools and technical colleges that teach various hard and soft skills. Ignorance can be corrected via these methods.
If you like the company you’re working for, learn what your job is, and what the next job up the ladder is. Try showing up for work EVERY day, and not being the first out the door for breaks and at quitting time. Be the kind of employee YOU’D like to have working for you.
But none of this is going to happen with a lot of people, and our new dimmocrat congress is going to tell every businessman in America that if he takes any loser off the streets, he has to pay that person WAY TOO MUCH from Day One. That’s a typical liberal strategy: Announce that a target group is entitled to something regardless of any external or internal standard. Sit home and do nothing? We think you deserve to have food, shelter and health care, JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE HERE. Want to make a show of going to work? We think you deserve to be paid well, JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT YOUR NAME ON THE PAYROLL.
And it’s gonna get harder to find those minimum wage jobs, because of this move…
Instead of setting a higher plane for society and making paths available for people to move up to higher levels, we’re just going to lower the whole thing into the garbage so that everybody is on the same miserble level. Except for our rulers. Teddy “Swim, bitch!” Kennedy and Nancy “What facelift?” Pelosi will never have to worry about what it’s like making payroll with a bunch of losers you’re forced by Federal law to pay twice what they’re worth… Our compassionate rulers will do just fine, thank you.
One philosophy I’ve become in favor of is raising the minimum wage to $6.50 or $7/hr. for FULL-TIME employees. However, even those have a 90 day trial where you can start them at the current minimum wage of $5.15/hr. Then, if the employer wants to keep them after the trial period, they have to pay the full-time level.
That way, you are not required to pay over $6/hr. for part-time deadheads who you almost have to hire b/c you need that warm body for at least 20 hrs. a week to try and get a little help.