Joe Wilson

Yeah, THAT Joe Wilson, the one who called Obama a liar. Even the republican “leadership” was shocked.

Kind of speaks volumes about republican “leaders”.

What about “decorum”? Who was talking about decorum a few years back when the story about the kiting of checks from the congressional post office? Or when Barney Frank’s weiner du jour was running a gay prostitution ring out of their joint (heh) apartment? Or when the besainted Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd made the waitress sandwich? To ascribe ANY amount of “decorum” to congress is akin to gift-wrapping a bag of dogshit.

Our Imperial Congress, both sides, regularly meets and acts like they’re playing games. They have quaint little rules and traditions that they wrap themselves in to differentiate themselves from us hoi polloi. And at the end of the day, they go away, having put forth changes that affect MY daily life.

Along comes one person who actually has the audacity to jump up and tell the truth, and such an act is considered so alien as to upset the status quo of the body.

Everybody knows that you’re supposed to walk up and shake hands and smile with the fellow who’s fixing to rape your women and leave your children in chains and destitute. That’s how congress is supposed to work. Barack HUSSEIN Obama is supposed to climb up in front of the assembled houses of Congress and give forth with lies that if they were made law would put how we deal with the health of our families in the hands of the same benevolent and capable government that does such a fine job of running VA hospitals, Social Security and public housing.

The words that come out of his mouth are in direct contradiction of his OWN party and his previous words, and we’re supposed to look upon the pile of steaming shit on our platter and take his word that it is indeed a taco.


Please give me representation that is worthy of the Concord Bridge and Nathan Hale and Arlington Cemetery, representation that STARTS with calling a lie a lie and a liar a liar.

8 thoughts on “Joe Wilson”

  1. Our local congresscritter was explaining how members used to bring guns (! oh horrors!!) onto the floor and how there were fistfights and canings on the floor in the past. The present rules of decorum were adopted to prevent such unseemingly acts. Frankly, I’d like to see a good fistfight between Charles Rangel and Barney Frank, or Nancy Pelosi caned by anyone.

    You may not be able to fix stupid, but you can sure vote it out of office!

  2. With modern weapons there could be quite a show at the duels.

    ps with duels reinstated stupid could be FIXED.

  3. Aye!
    Joe Wilson just spoke the truth.

    They could have a good old fashioned Friday Night Smokers.
    Have it right on the Mall and televise the smackdowns.
    But duels would be good too.

  4. rule and tradition of Congress. Hoooey. The liberals are always wanting to change the Constitution, and now they are going to cry over this?? A breach of hundreds of years of tradition.

    Go Joe!!

    Im still cracking up over the look on Pelosi’s face when he shouted out. lol

  5. Just sent Joe a campaign contribution. Obama is a pathological liar and it’s time to clean out the sesspool that is Congress.

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