Today in History – 12 September

1683 – Austro-Ottoman War: Battle of Vienna: Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire. Among the groups who came toegether to defeat the forces of Islam were Poland’s Winged Hussars:

1759 – British soldiers capture the town of Quebec. They must not have done a very good job because the place STILL speaks French.

 – Mexican-American War: the Battle of Chapultepec begins. That would be that “Halls of Montezuma” thing…

1890 – Salisbury, Rhodesia, is founded. Now it’s Harare, Zimbabwe and a veritable paradise on earth since the noble Africans have shrugged off the horrible rule of the white European interlopers. And if they think the white Europeans were bad, wait’ll the Chinese come in to ‘help’ them.

1919 – Adolf Hitler joins the German Workers Party. Any time you see a political party named “workers” or “peoples” you can bet you a** that the workers and the people are going to be in for a sound screwing. The only thing Hitler ever worked was his mouth, and millions died.

1923 – Southern Rhodesia, today called Zimbabwe, is annexed by the United Kingdom, becomes “Africa’s Breadbasket”. When it becomes ‘Zimbabwe’ under ‘majority’ rule, it becomes “Africa’s Basket Case”.

1928 – Hurricane in Florida kills 6,000. FEMA slow to respond. Bush widely blamed.

1938 – Adolf Hitler demands autonomy for the Germans of the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. Today’s equivalent? Muslim enclaves around the world demanding the right to impose sharia law in their communities. And we have people in government who think this is a good idea.

1958 – Jack Kilby demonstrates the first integrated circuit at Texas Instruments. Jack also invented the thermal printer and the pocket calculator.

1959 – Bonanza premiers. First regularly-scheduled TV program presented in color. We didn’t have a color TV, but we watched every Saturday night for years… One of the interesting things I did in Korea was see the show dubbed in Korean.

1962 – President Kennedy delivers his We choose to go to the Moon speech at Rice University. Obama’s equivalent is We need more midnight basketball. Slo-Joe’s equivalent is a string of indecipherable syllables as his teleprompter reboots.

1983 – A Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States, is robbed of approximately US$7 million by Los Macheteros, doing the jobs that Americans won’t do. That’s almost enough to get an interview with Hillary Clinton.

1990 – The two German states and the Four Powers sign the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany in Moscow, paving the way for German reunification. Parisian restaurants place ‘hold for call’ orders for new German menus and cathouses start practicing Deutschland Uber Alles. You know, in case things followed the normal pattern. Now it’s more likely to be part of the Caliphate.

2003 – The United Nations lifts sanctions against Libya after that country agreed to accept responsibility and recompense the families of victims in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. Then Obama’s regime with the able help of Hillary Clinton and John F. Kerry think they can make things even better.

2005 – Israel completes its withdrawal of all troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip. This move opens a new era as the Palestinians react to the opportunity for self-government. A new age of peace, prosperity and harmony with their Israeli neighbors is the result. Wait! It WASN’T? You mean that when left to their own devices, the Palestinians remained a bunch of thugs who depended on the good graces of the rest of the world to stave off starvation while they kept up attempts to murder Jews and random muslim political opponents at any opportunity and each other when Jews weren’t convenient?

2 thoughts on “Today in History – 12 September”

  1. 1683 – Austro-Ottoman War: Battle of Vienna: Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire. Among the groups who came toegether to defeat the forces of Islam were Poland’s Winged Hussars:

    Sabaton (another Swedish rock band that sings in English), Winged Hussars

    The Poles saved Europe twice:

    1. The Battle of Vienna, 1683*; and
    2. The Battle of Warsaw, 1920.

    * As the Brits say, it was a close run thing. Depending on whose account you read, when the siege was lifted the Viennese had one more day of rations or had eaten the last of their rations that morning.

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