Thumpers for electrical fault location

Somebody has been using search engines to try to find information on “thumpers” used for cable fault location. Whoever you are, I feel your pain. However, if you’d send me an e-mail I will gladly discuss what I know about the subject. I’ve used them. I know how to build one which will work with a DC hipot. I’ve also used a couple of different manufacturer’s units.

If you’re looking for a thumper, then you already know what a DC hipot is, but for the rest of you, it’s a bit of electrical test equipment which takes a standard 120 volt AC supply (like in your wall socket) and steps it up and changes it to direct current for testing various types of electrical aparatus insulation. The ones we typically use will put out 75-80 THOUSAND volts. This is necessary for testing cables up to the 15kV range.

Anyway, whoever you are, I’m here to help…

He’s Back! Oh, yeah!

The Rev. Donald Sensing, arguably (Kim du Toit’s in there, too) the guy who inspired me to blog, is back from his bloggish sabbatical and is again pumping out the sort of articles that make me feel like a housecat looking at a pride of lions.

Here’s a great one
which tells a lot about how the war against the terrorists is really going. It’s based on the latest video by Osama hisself. You need to read this one!

Quelle surprise!!!

WorldNetDaily: Le Monde endorses Kerry in U.S. race. Like that’s a big shock, huh? He looks French. He speaks French. He acts French. And the French love him.

If you judge the man by his endorsements, he’s got Yassir (almost room temperature) Arafat, Kim (living on borrowed time) Jung Il, and whoever’s running the show in Iran… The leopard doesn’t change his spots.

This article shows that Kerry was following the North Vietnamese plan to end the war.

Hanoi said it maintained “relations” with an anti-war group closely tied to Kerry that sought “to eliminate reactionary candidates and plant progressive people in the Senate and House of Representatives,” according to a “circular” issued in December 1971 and captured by U.S. troops the following May.

It is unconscionable that this man should not be in jail, much less a senator and a viable presidential candidate.