1634 – Samuel Cole opens the first tavern in Boston.
1776 – American Revolutionary War: The first amphibious landing of the United States Marine Corps begins the Battle of Nassau.
1791 – First internal revenue act, taxing distilled spirits & carriages.
1820 – The U.S. Congress passes the Missouri Compromise. This is about which territories can have slaves.
1835 – Congress authorizes a US mint at New Orleans, Louisiana. Now they DUMP a mint into New Orleans, Louisiana, which responds by voting solidly dimmocrat.
1836 – Texans celebrate the first Texas Independence Day with the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence, officially broke Texas from Mexico, and creating the Republic of Texas. And when Texas declares its independence THIS time, I’m gonna be there.
1843 – Congress appropriates $30,000 “to test the practicability of establishing a system of electro-magnetic telegraphs” by the United States.
1857 – Second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China. They wanted the right to SELL opium in China.
1875 – During a drunken brawl on ice, the first ever organized indoor game of ice hockey broke out and was played played in Montreal, Canada as recorded in The Montreal Gazette.
1904 – Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany becomes the first person to make a sound recording of a political document, using Thomas Edison’s phonograph cylinder. Hillary Clinton has them wiped.
1913 – Thousands of women march in the Woman Suffrage Procession in Washington, D.C. All those un-made sammiches…
1923 – TIME magazine is published for the first time. Seventy years later it pushed out Pravda as the mouthpiece of socialism.
1924 – The 1400-year-old Islamic caliphate is abolished when Caliph Abdul Mejid II of the Ottoman Empire is deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of Kemal Atatürk. And now the dream of the Islamic world is to bring back the Caliphate. Trump says ‘no’. Biden says “let’s talk.”
1931 – The United States officially adopts “The Star-Spangled Banner” as its national anthem.
1938 – Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia. It’s the sole reason they have a presence on the world stage. Without oil, without ideas, wrapped in a seventh-century religio-government, they’d still be boinking goats for a living.
1991 – An amateur video captures the beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers AFTER he’d led them on a 100 MPH car chase because he didn’t want to get a DUI which would have vacated his parole for his prior robbery conviction. The black community, ever scraping the bottom of the barrel for saints, beatifies him.
2005 – Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly an airplane non-stop around the world solo without refueling.
2013 – A bomb blast in Karachi, Pakistan, kills at least 45 people and injured 180 others in a predominantly Shia Muslim area. It’s just a doctrinal discussion among followers of the Religion of Peace.