Today in History – 11 March

222 – Emperor Elagabalus is assassinated, along with his mother, Julia Soaemias, by the Praetorian Guard during a revolt. Their mutilated bodies are dragged through the streets of Rome before being thrown into the Tiber. Now THAT is what is called an ‘insurrection’.

1941 – World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law, allowing American-built war supplies to be shipped to the Allies on loan. I’ve had a few returned Lend-Lease rifles pass through my hands.

1977The 1977 Hanafi Siege: Around 150 hostages held in Washington, D.C., by Hanafi Muslims are set free after ambassadors from three Islamic nations join negotiations. The perpetrators get better treatment than Jan. 6 captives.

1978 – Coastal Road massacre: At least 37 are killed and more than 70 are wounded when Palestinian terrorists hijack an Israeli bus, prompting Israel’s Operation Litani. Palestinians were brave when attacking unarmed civilians on a bus. When faced with REAL fighters, the Israeli armed forces, they moved out of southern Lebanon.

1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the Soviet Union’s leader. He picked a very bad time to take over, because his opponent was President Ronald Reagan at the peak of his game. Gorby rode the USSR into the ground…

 – Lithuania declares itself independent from the Soviet Union. Words cannot convey the thoughts that went through my head as the Evil Empire unraveled…

1993 – Janet Reno is confirmed by the United States Senate and sworn in the next day, becoming the first female Attorney General of the United States. On her watch, under the sterling leadership of President Bill “Where’s the chubby chicks?” Clinton, she presides over the torching of the Branch Davidian complex, killing over eighty people, and the snatching of Elian Gonzalez, deporting him back to Cuba.

 – Madrid Train Bombings: Simultaneous explosions on rush hour trains in Madrid (Spain) kill 191 people. Spain caved and elected a Lefty appeaser.

2011 – An earthquake measuring 9.0 in magnitude strikes 130 km (81 mi) east of Sendai, Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands of people. This event also triggered the second largest nuclear accident in history, and one of only two events to be classified as a Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.

2020 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares ChinkvirusCOVID-19 virus a pandemic.